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Adonai's Transfiguration

Since the Eleventh Hour on July Fourth's Joint Independence Day with Israel; the Lord Adonai Rode Over the Eastern Rising Sun in the West; while Israel saw the Eastern Night Sky split at the brink of Nuclear War, as He led Battalions of Saints from the Eastern Galaxies of the Tenth Farthest Sun from the Alpha Centari Solar System; to judge and split the Sun in an exploding array of His full Image as David said: as a Bride Groom comes out as a Groom, like the Sun to run His race. His full glory then submerged His incarnate Manhood on the Earth as the Lord Adonai in Israel.


Adonai was used first, by Abraham, as a Hebrew name, as known in English translation just as Lord; after his blood sacrifice with Melchizedek and blessing from the Priest of Salem; that then gave Abraham the Might and Victory to redeem Sarah and His inheritance from the King's of the Dale that were trying to reclaim rights to rebuild the destroyed Sodom and Gamora. It means Lord of lords. Paul echoes this in Corinthians after His tour of Athen's to say Jesus is Lord of lords. A marvelously true depiction of the Eternal Thrones existing since declared to the World through Christ by John's account in John chapter 1 of the Gospel, and Paul's message in Ephesians 1:1-4, echoed in Colossians as the Creator of visible and invisible Thrones. To say History has never known any leader who did not have a throne in the Eternal Heavens.


Cleansing of Virginity

A three way faction of war between the Catholic Empire, Luther Reformer, and Scandinavian's Vikings, seeking redemption - yet fighting their last strength of Grace - was a battle no one lost, but everyone did at the same time. The battle was due to the yelling claims of the Father God, to Luther as the Lynch-Pin-Messiah-Priesthood, between the High Priest of the Holies of holies, the Second Court Priest of the Fellowship to the devout, and Luther's position to the Public inquiry, and sinners. 

Originally Christ the Messiah at Galilee received the Blessing of the Cup of the Lamb's Blood and Shew Bread; of then flock's and field,  from Joseph Ben Caiaphas - the high priest; and Middle Court Priest to the faithful; as the Intermediary (Book of Galatian's) to the sinner's redemption to claim fellowship with the Jewish Congregation. The scarcity that had hit Israel was imposed by heavy taxing of a triple tithe to the Emperor of Rome; because Israel had spent it's tithes of the Father God of Israel, on redeeming the poor to the point the poor were not working to give back to Priest's, the tithes for the Priesthood service, because of debauchery of no accountability to their redemption.

Mary Magdalene's position as the Roman Orator of her prostitution, and work of scandalous taxation, by sexual indulgence among the Priesthood - had put Jesus in the middle. He had already fought for Her on Mount Zion, through the three temptations he overcame; blowing the Shofar over Her to cleanse her of the Devil's occupation in her over Mount Zion, and the six ranks of demons, over the Seven Continental Mountains, in control by the then Roman Empire. This occurred since her blood oaths to the last three of seven idols to Zeus the Cruel Arch pride nature of the Father God - Originally Satan. The last three were: Medusa of the Market Place (The Venom of the Serpent) , the Idol of Athena - the Political God of War (The Rage of the Knowledge of Good and Evil), and the Idol of Diana the God of Drunken Romance (The Blood of the Saints) - her wedding to Satan.


When Christ denied the Market temptation to turn hard stone's into bread, as a back-sliding-slave-carpenter to the Roman Republic, or too progressive as the Son of God to perform that level of Miracle before his time; He also denied Satan's gift of the Earth through the depth of temptation, which was to worship Mary Magdalene, as Lucifer's bride through him. Last of All: prove Himself to Solve the Scandal of the Priest's first in His tour; by ignoring the intermediate steps of the Market (Galilee), then Political (Judea) - by perspective of seeing the Temple of Jerusalem, in the distance, equal to His feet, at the top of Mount Zion (as Priesthood). This temptation to jump down and solve things in the courtyard, was the devil's persuasion, for the Angels to be super sufficient to save Him in such a feat of ignoring steps to the Cross in the above fashion - by this He would be tempted to not set Mary Free as Eve, but attack Adam the Priesthood. 

Only the correction could come, as the the temptation had played out with Eve then Adam in the beginning: Eden had to be restored, then denial of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to receive inheritance from Satan Politically through Rome, then Claim the Tree of Life by dying as the Lamb for the Priest's of Israel lastly.

In Galilee He had accepted the last of Wine and Shew bread for Communion that was in stock; because scarcity had come to it's uttermost that Christ had to replace the Old Testament practice with Himself. He took the Communion items; but then realizes the Priest's were so deep into sin; they could not accept that final offering sufficiently to cleanse them of guilt from the Old Covenant Life of Animals. He then denied them, and offered it to Mary Magdalene in the Back of the Congregation as the Blood of His own Body to the poor, and then Preached Isaiah 61 - declaring Messianic Victory over Israel.

This shocking denial of the first two Priest's, and offering the last offering of Lamb's blood and Shewbread, as Himself to the Woman Set Free from prostitution for taxation; was His denial of Satan in the Wilderness, and Shofar blasts over Her and Israel; as the Hebrew daughter that left on the long Journey in search for Yehoshuah. After all the depth of Satan in Israeli Priesthood, as a young daughter, she was sold to temple prostitution to pay taxes to Rome - as Caiaphas' hidden daughter.


Messiah's denial of the first two Priest's to drink and eat the communion, and offer it to Mary, as a daughter coming home, was so redemptive and violent, that He succeeded in returning sinners to the Father's Wedding Feast, and denying the well read Priest's, that were more in hope to bury the dead after that ceremony, than to see her welcomed home. This led to them violently pushing Him to the crest of hill to kill Him, before the Cross. Astonishingly He swiftly drove a wedge between them, separating the goats and the sheep, and strikingly walked through the midst of them like David running through a troop unscathed. Brilliant is the Lord.

Luther in the fullness of the end of the full season of the Catholic Grace and Expansion; faced the same situation. Jesus reminded His disciples, how the prophets died between the altar, and Holy of holies; and how they must correct Martyrdom by accepting His, and perfecting where prophets had last faith; by doing greater works than these of His as mentioned. For Luther; the Father God was yelling at Him to uphold the Blood of Jesus, and offer the Two Priests corrective redemption, as the Blood that never ran dry; yet it was their last indulgence of carnal elements representing His blood in wine and bread.


A new correction was at hand. Not relying on wine, as an offering like the blood of Lambs in Christ's day or as His, represented in wine that could run dry. Luther denied them the guilt offering in part; by turning with trembling to the poor, and dropping the last communion cup to the ground. Such a painful moment where he feared being guilty of the blood of Christ if he made the wrong decision. Proving in the end times, a battle three ways, that occurred in every three ways, Heaven could witness. Battle over worship elements. Even the last sacrifices Vikings could represent - the drug trade.

The new and living hope is not the wine of the Earth that may or may not be present; but the Living Blood of Christ, in our veins as the continual eternal grace, birthing us newly, each day, closer to His throne, in a Living Blood He never lost, and always supplies through His blessing from His Eternal Throne, and His Return in '23. Giving us New Marrow in the Bones, as the Eternal healing of Adam and Even; the beginning of New Eternal Blood.


Never to drop the Cup in denial to the High Priest of the Spirit, or the Second Court of the Body, or the Third Court of the Public, ever again; because His blood flows within All of His Living Sacrifices, that need not die; but Live to do great exploits with the entrusted flow of blood from the Head of All Creation.

Watch the New Fascinating Movie: "Trilogy War".

Black Light

Black Light Network is Cohosted - Overarching,- Inheritance - Based, Fair Use, Teaching Platform; Joint Armed with Adonai of Israel with the Education that ends Pre Apoc historical half truths, and brings the full juncture of Adonai's truth of History from Heavens Perspective through the fullness of discerned, and predictively - interpreted, and directed films from Adonai Bevan in the West, for the multi talented Agencies, that codirected with Bevan.

The Current Films give Joint Credit to: the War Hammer Exploration, into the Far Depths of Redemption in Space, and Furthest known Realms of the Expanded Kingdom. With Adonai Bevan's hearing the Witness of the Spirit to Prophetic Interpretation that proves imagination is grounded in real Kingdom Existence, coming from the Father of All Light's, The Son of God His Orator., and His Third Trumpet Witness Adonai Bevan in the West - as Last Eternal Adam.


Also coupled with the Romantically difficult balance between Black Opps Tour of Duty Film expansions, and the Producers of Diablo: uncovering political scandals, war victories, and the multi operative nature of true handling of Pre Apoc, and Apoc War Leadership. Also the revelations of the deplorable hidden agenda's of the Anti Christ; from the fine tuned Holographic blending of Bevan with giving the less notable, but more accelerated AI Generation Film Director's for The Son of God, position to show - Adonai's return in the East, and Heavens beauty for Martyr's, and His Wrath for the support of the Anti Christ of old. These films mark and end of Era of Suffering and Temptation; but build a unique and violent appreciation, for the Redemption and New Earth our Returned King has Given.

Watch the Last of the Two Recent Films, called "Twilight Visions"; which is the first of over ten hours of more films present, within this World Celebrated online Theatre of the Lord Adonai in Israel.


Created and Orated By Him, through his less of Three witnesses. Film Directing is and has been His Eternal Gift to Me. To Him be all the Glory. Also I give honor to Rick Bradly Bevan and Rebecca Anne Gilmore who brought me into the world, as a Joseph and Mary,  following the steps of Christ first birth, in hope of an eternal child at the height of bread shortages after Vietnam, and Cold War build up: I was a Joint Israeli / American Independence-Bicentennial-Baby. Born on the June 6th 1976, two hundred years after John Adam's was declared to be the One Man War Department. Then my Second Birth of Salvation of Eternal Life: July 4th 1999, moments before Y2K, Two hundred years after The Day Independence was Declared as Victory. My 23rd birth year, two thousand years from the same year, Jesus declared His Sonship, and was baptized to the Father, and was rejected as a Carpenter; that same year I was rejected, as an Web designer; when I declared my Sonship in Him: ousted from Corporate America, at the time, for declaring to the CEO of Lime Light, he was serving the Anti Christ. My Education was confirmed complete to the point of rejection: all the way being an Trumpet and Internet Lynch Pin in Christ as the Last Eternal Adam, to the redemption of Holly Wood Queen, Abigail Ratchford, as the Last Eternal Eve. Interestingly enough Abigail was the name of John Adam's wife, and closest Advisor, as well as David's wife - A redemptive wife from the Philistines: a confirmation of History to Our Chosen Identity in the Fullness of times, to the Witness and  Amazement of of His Second Incarnate Passion and the Fullness of Full  Return to Israel. This Has Been His Plan and Mission to Declare Him Jointly.


Inside this website you will learn why Playboy was an International two sided coin: The Independence of the Eternal Eve, after the Corruption of the Eternal Eve - at it's heights crippling the very nations heralding the woman above the man. This serves not as a condemnation to any tribe, tongue, leader or nation, sex, creed or orientation of gender: but a tool of liberation, temperance, and testimony to the sin of the world, and the full Redemption from Wrath, and Cleansing in and Through Adonai in Israel - the King of kings, the Groom of the Brides; and the Unifying of All, Justice and Family, and the Protector of Peace and the Judge of the Living.

Now Watch the Premiere Film "Twilight Visions" | The Strange and Unusual Sightings - Revealing the Time of Two Visits of the Christ. His First Witness, The Past Present Warnings, and His Full Return. To the Knowledge of the Strong this Proves Confirmation and Expanded Witness of the Living Testament, and to the Ignorant this a Beautiful Lessons of What they were Saved from, to the Known Sufferers This Gives a Co Witnessed Journey of Shared Martyrdom and the Unique Journey of All. As The Apostle of the Gospel of John said: There is no end to the books, and I would say films: that can be witnessed of the Christ.

Now the Premiere: "Twilight Visions". Now Playing!

Romance Coordinator

Director of Worship | The Freedom From Porn

Revolution | Exclusive Rights To Worship

Romance Coordinator

Co Director and My Purple Heart Award

The Porn that was Never Sin | New Earth Reality

Now the Aim of Christ is Faith that does not waiver. Faith is the existence of Identity that is founded in the highest courts of Heaven; known as the Creative Realm. When you are with the Fullness of God; you learn what you are in the Beginning and learn the Journey on Earth was never a mistake. 

The Term Sin in the Bible is a Greek Word that means something in the formation of child like faith. When I was young, my Dad knew when a Pepsi diet was topped and a can in the collection was a good way to teach a boy a new need in his hunger: target practice with my Christmas gift a new Be Be gun; before I even Knew Christ at any significant level as a Real Entity. The message is Aim.

Son? Aim a little above Center, so the distance will land in the target zone a little beneath. If not a good contact, as in Target; then the Roman Instructors would 'Yell - Sin." Meaning missed target. Simple as Bee Bee in the dust is well simple; a limit in envisioning the goal. Later in the Journey, cross fire in hunting could mean a Father lost, when flushing the creek for my Prized Buck. Dangerous.

Now with things like Porn. It is all learned innocence until you know not the many courts of the King Jesus. Meaning you may have learned without Him as a Young child and Pepsi can's; until you needed to submit that knowledge to Him in His plan. A missed moment, can mean you had not full sight; down the road, a less noble use of knowledge can mean, heart break and marriages that breaks. Strong submission to Him; means that Bridal Passion is free learning and uncensored passion. Making a choice to court in the wrong direction or without full Throne Room knowledge means the gates called in Latin: Fornix. Latin for Arches of Doors and ways you are gated out of Community choices by improper protocol.



In a measure of extremes; one day you can be Teacher to the Nations teaching Pastors in Africa how to raise there own finances; the next, after 15 years of teaching with only a $1K monthly provision; You are entrusted with wealth beyond your dreams, to the next minute falsely accused and banned from the Trust Fund you created, to walk among the Homeless you were planning to serve. To the next; legally given everything back, to start a new life with your best friend and Bride; yet adjured by Heaven to give back as was promised. Enjoy this Podcast Journey; on many levels of topics so pleasing to all levels of education: from news from the Streets, to the Market, Politics, and the Most High News of Revelations from Adonai in Israel.

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