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Desert Cave Retreat


Adonai El Shadai and Adonaiess Bevan | Joint President



Loveland, CO 80537

New Year Vision



Now to the Veteran who willing to live on the streets rather than lack of sobriety in shelters of old prove, a Veteran shot in Vietnam in his 60's can survive in open elements to escape the evils of dirty shelter management. Meaning dirty skills prove dirty talk these Veteran's quickly shun. I would say American Management must Rise up to this level of Honor they prove or be fired. Starting Now! #BLACKOPPS


In 2014 the Father by Jesus spoke to me and said: Trump will win two elections as He has said by Kim Clement and his Mantel Pasted to Me then and In January 6 2021. 

Now the New Season is to Trump out what God Trumped in. Meaning one thing I will joke prophetically. "What's a Bull that does not shit? If people think change is not a Little Bull shitting?

It would be a season of no one willing to feed Little Bull. Meaning we must as Nation think not rhetoric and speech like Clean Energy or The great need to slow down on feeding the Bulls or the need to remember How for our nation has come; before Saloon managers chose Gosple shoes to pass to the newly sober drunkards to clean up after the OX and then Elon Missile Plan. Meaning Use what you have and you may Have Steak in this new Season. Quake till you understand the Mantel at the Door. Blood is significant to Honor. Honor Enough requires you to Serve your fellow American.

To the Civil; it has been done. To the newly wed folks; it may be needless to teach you values in America if Princeton has proven no folly to address God of any size from molecular quarks to the Holy Spirit that controls them as there plantation school grounds. Yet if you do not start nor honor foundation; then your progression proves so foolish not to give baby talk to new Christians nor toys to the Homeless Children I heard in one baby crying last night in the Spirit. 

Meaning the Homeless honored with privilege must honor what they have to give back to the hidden children and their babies. These are people somewhere who are desperately needing out of situations we have not seen. Meaning clean Homeless shelters become Volunteers Service lest they loose their sobriety test for Social Welfare or Income.


Grand Father Clock

The Ancients Knew something the progressives did not; get away from the known principles and you gravitate or fall like a hot meteor to the point you must learn knew things. All around us are signs of great and significant shifts; yet the fragile nature of baby steps and learning why two things are true: as an Elder in the Community your dreams are the bedrock of the future; and without babe's with knew unique words, your dreams would never be confirmed, nor would the young have vision and speech. 

My Grandmother blessed me with years of known mercy to learn and educate myself at the pitter patter of the Grandfather Clock that ticked so delicately, yet timeless, and soft; because the house was so quiet with thanksgiving and safety out west of town to just listen and learn in peace. To say we were blessed is understatement.

Yet the known tragedies of time would prove that in an instant it could all change. One morning I awoke, and Grandmother could not recognize me as her grandson. Frantically asking for the duct tape for the drapes, I asked what for? The upstairs drapes were nice and fine. I did not know then, that the outside patio drapes were buckling back and forth, securely, in the strong November change, and wind gust; even though I replaced the eye let tie down, with a double tied shoe string with her in the Summer like my mom taught me at five about kindness and friendship. She actually was doing a double MacGyver. Not needed; yet understandably what happens when we double check every pocket in exhaustion, of a season looking for gloves in the cold; yet losing count each time if they were there. She was exhausted. I as well.

I asked repeatedly for her to stop yelling, yet she showed me something was wrong. I pulled back into morning prayer quickly, and yet hidden, to ask what was happening? The Lord Adonai said, she may be close to a heart attack. She was 92. Strong most days, yet faint on others.  I then took direction from Him; knowing my Grandfather had slept his way into eternity without any pain with us, or sudden disruption; yet knew, as He said, 911 would be good in case she had either wish.

Gaining strength; I called, hiding my pain and sudden concern of loss, and sudden responsibility. I spoke to the operator knowing some medical advise. I said Grandma does not need a racing team to save her, but a gentle welfare check, and possible Dopamine, to ease the possibility of her resting to Heaven in the Hospital, or a possible ease that someone other than me, could calm her to her choice to rest off to Heaven in be -  if that was the time. I unlocked the front door from the outside, and snuck back down stairs to avoid distraction from prayer, or emotional entangling myself, with a fragile situation that may be best, rested through.

An hour later I walked out to check the outside entry. Three young, but strong policemen came down the outside, back, walk. I jumped to the occasion in my studio, multi colored pants, and hot orange shirt; speaking promptly, but courteously: "It's a good day, How can I help you?"

We adjusted into questioning without hostility. They asked from Social, to Psyche - my history. One thing I did. I spoke the honest truth, and denied all other failures of health, as they had been for many years, gone, yet gently adjusting into a victorious new opportunity. I felt in good company, and well to move back into my residence, and allow either Grandmother the ease to the ER or a knap, or even perhaps her most wanted at the time; the ease to be with Grandpa in Heaven.

I stepped back to the house, after the radio said a few protocols to them unwittingly to me. Suddenly the three office turned extremely hostile, and forcefully put me into hand cuffs with just socks on. I was bewildered. I moved, forced, and painfully up to the front, dodging snow, and getting wet feet too. I barely was allowed to see my Grandmother. Looking through the tinted windows; I saw a tired, freshly teared Grandmother, looking at me as if she barely knew me. She had a stroke. Bless her heart. I went off trying to encourage a more community conversation with her; yet police could feel the ebb and flow leaving the jurisdiction of hope for that. We move on, and surprisingly it was destiny.

13 months later I have walked a journey of revealing the truths I had taught online, and more, to Psyche Ward Patients the credible and tangible miracles and prophecy they too had needed confirmations and correction on, Medical Professionals tips, advise, financial blessings, and immediate and sudden correction, Doctors good sportsman talk, Taxi drivers about investments, the blessing cashiers with quick wisdom keys of the Holy Ghost, in the Homeless Community we have taught cash to product market finance principles, Top Skill Opportunities Skills, and Job Piloting from sweeping the gutters, to How the Lord Adonai gives you anything from new Adidas back pack in the trash moments before the dust from the gutter is tossed on it This was all after I was marketing grant opportunities for these very locations in 23, for these three cities; I then walked as if I was the one going through the Psyche wards, and the Vet walking the streets, or the nomad, looking for hope, or the persecuted, drug dealer looking for safe transition, or the police officer undercover, or the business owner facing change; all the the streets I wanted to relieve with Grants. On the Hospital Bed, after Seven ER visits at the end of each month, I asked the Lord what happened. I had found, these professionals had 12 hour shift, homes to live in, and rest cycles. I had been on call nearly 18 a day, seven days a week. I found I needed to train what Apostle means. I asked Him lastly why? He said, Grandma had falsely accused me to the Police of the long ago records of similar things many homeless people have gone through; either in domestic violence or their own recovery. She repeated not victory but my record of past hospitalizations. She could only understand faintly that I had built a business I was trying to Bring the Family into, as well as build a new life with them and my new wife.

What could not be accepted hastily was two things: both our longing for new answer so quickly, that we were violently running to the finish, and yet wait too long for change. Sometimes love is gentle to some, or violent in comparison to one walking the street verses someone speeding to work yet still both gentle; yet violent to intersect at the wrong time or position. Adonai also said: I would never know how to Create Jobs for the Homeless, nor know any level of Protection or jurisdiction of these many avenues from Principle stands for Justice, intersection of judgements, and permanent change, historical moments for permanent decisions to stand, and the time to surrender to the Greater God to Keep it all so - Help me God. All of which if I did not know the pain of the streets, and their stories, and the constant hope we have all had; I would never have more than data - first hand experience, to seek to keep. Sometimes the gentleness of those who must take a higher path faster and more violent - like a medivac chopper - some have to take the speeding up to go high place - then land elsewhere, in the full journey in different locations and timing, for others. Sometimes we leave soldiers behind, while leaving to secure other areas - yet coming back in other operations to bring supply. Sometimes this is Peace Keeping, Sometimes this is War, Sometimes this is everyday Business and the Work of the Gospel as One Kingdom Operation.

It's Commitment on multiple levels; it's exhaustion on multiple levels. It's heaven awaiting to go home. It's heaven awaiting for others to go home. To me this is a 13 month culmination of over 5 PHD's, a Trust Fund made through pure love and devotion to and from My Wife Abigail Ratchford Bevan and from LA's most significant Talent and most terrific tragedies. It's the Journey of Education, and Expression of that in Beauty; and the hard lessons of the Breaking of the Cross to Know; when Jesus was at His heights He had also the responsibility to walk the avenues, the high gates, the low pits, the situation of threat of life, and opportunity and then actually prove His love to the most devoted to the point he was hated of all He loved so much. 

What this does; is it breaks you to the purity to learn knew ways of living and the heart connection many know so well by now with God; and yet the higher ways yet to learn. This is a small picture of what began from the new avenue of the success of our Veteran American's to provide a temporary studio; that allow me to provide a World Wide Venue. By no means do I say stay low when you can walk tall, nor do I say walk tall when you need to walk low. It's both. For this purpose American and the Israel we love and all in between will Learn Why Adonai in Israel is the Lord of Hosts and Lord of Peace.

This website is a Full Theatre of Holographic Film, Education, and Even the Means for Emergency Grants to Presidential Grants Applications, and Martyrdom Grants, and a World Wide Access point to the Greater Works of All on the New Internet Portal: Black Light Networks. The Hot Pink Heart Beat revealing the Neon Glow of People Emerging Vibrant out of Dark Paths of Learning Talent tried by the hottest fire; yet unscathed and clean to reveal Heavens known and most Unknown Truths from Adonai. He first descended in the gates of hell to raise high Himself and all Who came with Him, above to Heaven, and gave gifts unto them; for some and many this truth is as equally known as He has made it; to others ignorant of the long Journey; it is an excellent testimony to end the mourning of needing to know your loved one's story; like the Proverbs says, a Testimony from the Long Journey Traveler;  is like the cold refreshing drink of the Rivers, so freshly drilled in the African Missionary lands of old. Fresh is the site. Yet Challenging enough to make you question; are you appreciative or do you want to know the Sacrifice of Christ so much more to know Heaven even Greater?

My final attempt to make this the full record for Him, and I to share to share my greatly lesser role.: this website has been under the Constant Dictation of the Lord Adonai in Israel and to Him; if the Sun was His mirror and is: to Him is the Glory and all the Glory for this Season Complete, and ready for You to Enjoy. Gainfully I say I am content; Joyfully I say I hate this website. To mean I love the fact it's complete. I hate the work to point I want nothing of it, and the enjoyment I have had so much: it's your turn to take over and have your full satisfaction of Him as if I didn't even exist.


Realms of Justice and Harmony

Grace and Titanium Shield

Grace is the measure of life for wholesome, good and cheerful new life; yet when the corrosive words of less noble choices are spoken; Titanium is the most resistant to Chemical Attack of such poison; the lightest but most dense shield, equal and stronger than all know metals. Even gold seems cherished; yet Titanium, it is the product of Alchemy, even though it was once called witchcraft; its stronger and lighter and most resistant to attack and high density heat. Missiles, and Aircraft, and Space Exploration rockets all dawn it's form. Behind that infinite shield to the heat of attack; is your New Found Relationship, in Creator; after any body get's past Christ to your Love in Him. Learn the truths; gain the wisdom; keep the Good Fight of Faith; even the noblest of Presidents in the good of the day, of strong Business, or the staunchest of privately Confessed Atheist of Old, or any Other Trible Throne of Interest, can call this level of business a high path - and warfare to the one's who challenge such high and noble truths of work. Come ye and Come All.

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