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Knowing New Seasons

For many years in a the post world; the time was excelerating, the earth was warming, and suddenly bacteria was fighting mankind; yet to others their was a vital ear to Heaven that was telling us to ignore the threats and heed the reality the exact opposite was true; the Earth was being reset to Edenic Climate. This means as we heard the Spirit, we spoke what we heard and the Earth became what the Nature of Heaven was revealing. It's time to learn and discern new world power verses old world data. To know this we cannot ignore ancient text nor modern transfiguration of language and people.

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New Earth Miracles

While the Return of Energy to the Earth many people were seeing beyond AI art; but were actually seeing what many AI artists were seeing in the imagination of prophesy; but actually seeing these dimensions physically. One thing known is the Quantum Realms were opened when people realized that the Sacred Spirit is the modern energy field, and access-pin-point of light through the Peneal gland, and time released by the Pituitary gland to see what the body is ready to see through external view port of the eyes, into the external world to access and walk in.


Real Realms

The ancient text of Christ spoke to His disciples then were told plainly, He was going to prepare a place for them; little do many realize their lives were chosen to be short in witness, to then pass through a dimension known as death; yet accessibly the travel through His Blood to a living place. Some know these realms were also spoken in Revelations as being the New Jerusalem where these very sanctuaries now exist. Many do not know that the book of Revelations is not a linear one time path; it's a manifold reality and a manifold prophesy, that has included the fascinations of modern day movies like Star Wars. Discerning these victories will determine whether dimensionally: you walk into Sanctuaries of Victory or go into realms of warfare perhaps unneeded, if one were to learn and discern by revelation the outcome.


Eons in the Making

The Earth is not the first Earth, nor are we the first species to have inhabited this level of orbit. Many of the old testament saints are recorded to have lived with in a time and space dimension simultaneously in an expansion yet contraction of the Earth known as Abraham's bosom. Now archaic language seems to say God was not more knowledgeable than scientists today or was He just speaking language to Hebrews they could understand thousands of years ago? The fascinating thing is Quantum Physics is modern day prophesy as sophisticated to the ignorant as Ezekiel was to the modern man of the day.


The Eye of the Storm

Other people were not experiencing the miracles of creative power of higher realms; but were experiencing the warnings and strong negativity of the energy they were being served for the humbling, and proving them to either accept a higher path or go down into the realms of destruction. Even now the ignorant are warned to choose, and grow in knowledge, and not attract the realms of storm. Even many realms of surviving post world data in the New Earth are given choices to avoid lesser realms of prognostication, to attract through higher realms of education to see the opposite.


Real World Victories

By making peace through the world victories, and known victories through Christ's Blood, prove that the fall of Babylon has already happened to then see real world lenses into the Very New Land of Bagdad. For over 20 years for many the battle was already over; for other's dimensions of warfare has held them captive to not see what has been build in two decades. Learning historical truths backed by the bible and their prophets will indeed give you grace past the curses and limits of oppression. This means by education, you attract more promise and access to the New Jerusalem; past the battles of tribal warfare of old. Politically it is known that modern media can pose video footage, over two decades old of war footage as a intro footage to political talks of peace; yet the very LIVE icon on the news channel can fool the eye that war is present. Even the ignorant can speak as it were.

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New Season

Bridal Feat and Feast


Dimensional Realities | The Battle and Claim of Your Bride

The paradox of good and evil and the learning ground of what the tree of life is; as well as how the truths of from the procreative courtship in identity with the Coexisting Creator solves the many post world questions of the pre-apocalypse age. Discerning where you are at in dimensions within the same dimension of eternity will give you the education of even the most relevant truths shaping the Market.

Many a person has a collection of eternal truths; learning the commonality of shared journeys and where higher paths split dimension and save time and energy, is the varied truths that are held in a full access of plasma-quantum-fusion-holographic portal here. The following is a new film trailer for adult audience on deeper levels and young student's with the right intent. If not, skip below.

Grow Your Vision

Access the premiere internet gateway to all new and growing content as well as access to post existing data for historical learning.


Choose your level of energy; the access points below will only relate to a healthy tap of choice or AI relative measures will gate you out for privacy for others, and health related timing for your access.

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