The Beginning Reign
From the first Eon of thought; Anti Matter was the Pupils of the Father as a Dark Hole which scientists could not look through to know His thoughts about the Beginning. He thought about the previous creatures He made through His Son; before He would have the full confidence to create a thought of Light that would be His Son's Beginning as the Son of Light in the Sun Kingdom. He would dwell in it before His habitable Earth like beginning would have its first Reigning Lion Priest of the Animal Kingdom. Priesthood is the Holiest of Holies; before Prophecy Reigns as a Lion King. Born Lord of Lords; yet Tutored.
Reigning in the New Earth
Playing with Daddies Paints Means even Royal Manes get transparently colorful without ever considering playfulness as sin. Even He could get exhausted after so many times of considering, like Adam, why He would one day need fingers like His Father and Mother. Could you say The Father had already conceived with His Gay Son the Synergy of Male humility, to know within the lean Son, was a birthing figure of the Bride He would shed His Garments of outer Beauty of even flesh; to dawn the Mary Eve, He would be born from once the Earth would be Created for the Word to become flesh. How majestic the God of all creation has been and always has been.
The Raising of the Dead Complete
The Very Saints of Time tested fire and the humility of being chosen before to know, and conquer hell, and Satan; were raised to the Throne of Judgement after the trenches of war across His back 2000 years ago, were felt with all 40 lashes bore their death and healing. Meaning the Evil and the Good were judged; bearing only the existence of known light and no more shadows. Meaning the prior center of the Earth had been purged to only reveal a significance left: Avatar of Something Edenescque emerging, and raising to the Surface in the Fullness of Raising cleansed treasures from the Dragons Liar. Every soul has been raised; yet not every soul died, and had full revelation of the Christ. These people are known as the Kingdom's newly found friends. These people may not have had the opportunity before death to confess the full testimony of Christ; therefore past the sting of death, they are learning.
Then King
His Son the Light Specie of Reigning Creative Power would magnify His Father's House of Light Known as the Fullness of the first Luminary beginning of what would eventually become our modern Sun. Before the Second Heaven Known as the Holy Spirit's Reign would be as if Mercury a new forming Planet, as Christ would venture to create a sustainable Earth in Time. Mercury to Greeks Meant the youngest Angel of twelve - and Angel of Commerce carrying a purse - and in Hebrew Raphael the Angel of the Same as well as Healing. Raphael comes From Jehova Rapha: God of Creative Harvest.
Evolving to the Fullness of More
After Lions are Born He would become the Stallion that would grow a Horn of Triumph; yet a Dragon He was even before He shed this mystical scales of older creations, to form His Lion fur. He would eventually become the King that would master His previous Image to Ride over the last Eons Sun, to Judge the Old Cosmos as a Vesture was folded in a wink of His Crucified and Closed Eyes. Then attract the last rank of Angels to be purged by Heaven's Fire and return, as the 1\3 Last Prodigals to His Throne to then penetrate the Sun and Explode and Come to the Earth as a Groom coming out of His Chambers to immerse His Earthly Throne with His Fullness in Israel; opening New Jerusalem.
The New Earth
The New Earth belongs to three participations with the Source of our Being; The Holiest of Holies is spoken of in the final Amen to all the Earth in the Book of Revelations; it is the presence of the Lord Who needs no temple to abide in, because He is the temple and Radiant light that Co Exists with His Second Heaven throne in the Sun and is also the Creator giving it it's radiance around the globe. The second level of the Earth are those in season for inter-disciplined fellowship in like mindedness in the body of shared and known revelation. These people are less open to sharing higher spiritual fellowship. The third is the courts of more judicial pursuant; these people need accurate testimony and shared personal experience externally to know it is safe to share the higher intimacies of the known levels of the Kingdom. All determined by how much revelation is known physically.
Bridal Feat and Feast
Dimensional Realities | The Battle and Claim of Your Bride
The paradox of good and evil and the learning ground of what the tree of life is; as well as how the truths of from the procreative courtship in identity with the Coexisting Creator solves the many post world questions of the pre-apocalypse age. Discerning where you are at in dimensions within the same dimension of eternity will give you the education of even the most relevant truths shaping the Market.
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