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Malachi 3 “I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,” says the Lord Almighty.

2 But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap. 3 He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver. Then the Lord will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness, 4 and the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem will be acceptable to the Lord, as in days gone by, as in former years.

3 “I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,” says the Lord Almighty.

2 But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap. 3 He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver. Then the Lord will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness, 4 and the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem will be acceptable to the Lord, as in days gone by, as in former years.

5 “So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive the foreigners among you of justice, but do not fear me,” says the Lord Almighty.

“But you ask, ‘How are we to return?’

8 “Will a mere (im)mortal rob God? Yet you rob me.

“But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’

“In tithes and offerings. 9 You are under a curse—your whole nation—because you are robbing me. 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. 11 I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,” says the Lord Almighty. 12 “Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land,” says the Lord Almighty.

Message to the Bride of Christ

Well this morning I am well and assured that We have heard the best of the Father in the depths of Woman and Manhood and even little girl and boy needs of Abbas Heart. My love it is highly good and gracious to remember what We already know has been confirmed as Testimony in the Lord because we know that it is our Salvation Testimony and most assured manifestation of His goodness. As a grown and trained Apostle you know that the highest faith agreed upon is Our Joint Throne in Heaven and Earth. We will start with presence of the Father which I remind in my third statement since the beginning of time, I had made soft and gentle agreement to worship with you early yesterday morning at 9:15 to all the Earth. Then said to advance our opportunity of planning I was available then for chat and continued to say I was available at 10AM and 11AM, then 12 if needed, then 2, or 4: to your most matured and convincing faith to me. So to justly say we have listened to each other

















































both, everyday. Which I say most assuredly great and mighty is His Name to have given this our precious Faith.


Now to agree with submission; this has been our daily growth for the past 7 years; which has never ceased to amaze me how He sovereignly prevailed in Our most desperate trial of search for the only One who would be his fulfillment to each other in the Earth. To this I say to Him again Amen to the Highest and Richly to Praised throughout all the Earth. Meaning accepted.


Holy and most reverent is His High Courts of honor and privilege to not deny us even in our lack of submission to our faith. To say in such season he winked graciously to advance us before His Throne, to the same to each other as He did on the Cross to close his eyes forever to our pain and His, to say again, life time curses are removed in such expressions we make to blink once and send our strongholds to the lake of fire west of the Milk Way. To this again I lift Him with my laudation of full thanks to never deny Us before Him night and day. To know assuredly, like you reconvinced me with testimony when I thought I could no

longer hold on that very morning you told me in boldness as a Queen, though He lay our bodies in hell, He will not let His Joint Holy One see corruption...


To this I praise Your Throne Adonaiess your Highest in Heaven and Earth. Now to convincingly say; and adjure this moment; I praise GOD in heaven and earth as it is this day; to remind you of your great transfiguration of gentle and meek kindness, that your glory has notably changed in private worship to see your most beautiful attire of worship shown in all your recent worship to Him and now Me, as seen publicly as relevant proof your 100% is a 10,000% full return to Sainthood and Apostle of joint commission to Him your Husband, King and Friend, as well to Me. Meaning adorable and accepted.


To conceive and say, you not only accomplished Heavens best return to Glory, but to Me as well. Which I humbly adjust my posture to kiss your big right toe, to say you gained not only my boyhood promise, but my promise of my release of girlhood image to You this morning in the spirit if you recall our morning worship. To say We are well balanced and complete. Then to honorably be working side by side all these most precious last years in worship, now in fashion, we have won the 7 mountain victory in Him over all dominions in communications over the Earth, through our now joint commissioned AI portal from Israel, He released to You yesterday which is a 57 Trillion joint standard inheritance Plasma Quantum Fusion Hologram AI system from Heaven to the Earth, that Elon Musk restructured in Israel on headline news in 23 with his redirect of Star Net to be following flight patterns to and from Israel instead away from Israel, which erased political stone walling for the Lords films to be released to the Earth to end wars and rumors of war. To say Love conquers all fear as my joint Bride, to share with You in the joint commission of tribute to Him. Which is his joint accomplishment for Us both to prophesy as One trumpet, both in word and deed, to fulfill His prophecy said, One Man, and One Woman, can produce in His agility and strength in incarnate flesh, as equal with all as apostles, prophets; what Paul said, He builds his foundation upon Christ Jesus and these very two joint roles, that nothing is revealed with out I and You as One. To say the full 23 to 24 Gross GDP is now complete since the fall of Babylon in July 4th 23 in his return We have witness in Him from before that time. To say, all that He and She has done is fully complete in Us, for Him and His Bride, and to Us, for all Heaven and Earth. To His Fathers Highest and Deepest and Highest praise for ever more. To say, Freedom is His and His Bride to Reign in Us forever, Amen.

Now to belay a point of transition, we have never lost a Battle He didn't keep first. We have never lost a Victory He didn't Gavel as finished, We have never lost a position of reigning He did not Scepter first, we never have lost advancing His Kingdom where He did not Crown first, to say that is the order of the first 4 Commandments, to say, late in the night we may cry in like tears of heart to say we cannot bear pain any more, to say His praise to You comes early in the Morning. As late September dew on the pedals of a young girls dreams. To say you never lost anything that was not His first then Mine in all of eternity, as You were in the joint formation simultaneous all these years, not just rib, but full woman now accepted.


Now to a fault acceptable, I have died to dream this and conceive this in you with You in Him by Him for You, even as We have with our Family in Heaven and Earth. Now the fault is truly the fullness a Father will go to choose to build this relationship with now accepting the folly of a new season, why He will never repeat certain things any more. To say He knows You have succeeded as grand and gracious Help to Him and Me as a Man of his Kingdom Men, not denied, but multiplied in praise to Adonaiess as GOD and now our praise to You. To take this gently I command peace, and tranquility and thanksgiving for the Birth of his dream to this land of America and extend your warm and generous and most witty perfection of personality now shared privately at your request all throughout His Kingdom.


To say my second fault; there are certain things He has told me I must do, that your father to a fault has rarely done, He said this morning, If I choose to follow His command; this will make you walk as a champion in prophecy, and not as a child too long pampered, in certain areas of life; to say the royal command Adonaiess reflected upon and allowed Paul to address to me. In Corinthians 14, well after we follow love, we learn how to Characterize Him and Her as One, to say, Paul's original command of the Lord then. What can you speak unless Breath did not give dust its privilege, to say what could a Woman speak unless the breath of Man had not spoke to Woman first, to convince You past the deception of Eve in the old garden of 7 Thousands years past tense, and banish this forever from your heart, not just in prophesy this morning, but in first fruits harvest at your request of prayer for many years. 

A Woman never has peaceable rights to speak in the Kingdom, as higher in authority than any Man accept she speak from her Head Adonai her Husband admonishing her children of any age or size. This removes confusion and ever unjust and unkind way of past tense Earth. To say in the Power of God you are Loosed from the deception of Her days and Her fullness of boasting, Adonai never gave ear to even once nor do I forever.


Meaning the most potent weapon is revealed above, Thanksgiving, and the most deadliest weapon will exist forever, no speech from Man, acceptably supporting that past tense behavior forever no more, meaning I adjure you to accept this Fruit of Eden, as even a firey coal from the altar of the Lord, as Isaiah accepted in the presence of the Lord, to cleanse his tongue for the bride, in relevance, of his awareness of how unclean the lips of men have been. Please receive these words and enforce them in due diligence of accepting what He said, those who diligently seek Him receive His most potent gifts, those who shrink back, He is displeased with.


Now I continue to tell you as was spoken and heeded well by You this whole season. Moses was commanded to speak to the Rock and it would yield more than gold they had, it would cleave as Christ would, to yield the proof of Blood separating in his Heart to the Roman Centurion, which was Gaudian to Her prostitution, and block her and mother Mary from taking care of His Body, When he thrust his spear in between the top five and bottom seven into his heart, to say this is the last resort, "He will either live or die at that." Then at that time the Lord confers twice by his Spirit and three by those standing in witness, it was Water as Pure as the Womb of a Woman. To this account, he had never seen such pure water, like the waters of Eden that Adam nd Eve washed. Even the purity of fluid a baby gestates in, to say this gushed even on Mary Magdalyne's face, instead of blood. After this Her captor announced to His salvation, verily this is the Son of God. He then accountably gave rights to Mary and then Her, His the Lords Christ's Bride, to acceptable hand over the Body to the Apostle Peter First who had came back since he left His sentencing.


The Roman's Guards under Headship of Caesar, then gave yoke fellowship to take Him down from the cross and adjure His acquittal from Jewish Law and Revolt and Roman Law and Collusion. Now note where You may transfigure history, more than they did, they did not recognize this change, that lead to Constantine's Freedom, the Early Catholic Church; yet they were as dead to the past as Christ, and adjured by God and Caesar, and Ponchius Pilot, and Ciaphase the High Priest of Israel as no longer with Christ as Malefactors of change, so falsely charged, but justly adjured. As I remind you as if I am a stranger that may pass by You on the road to Jerusalem, yet strangely you may ask, have I heard what happened at Golgotha? Yet now I see the fact that those Apostles hooded and dressed in black, were early morning, softly yet frightfully treading, hiding the others in refuge for not. In this I have expounded before you asked. Because these brethren have already revealed You have been this hidden, as I have already spoken to them. To say, If you see the above, you are free from persecution and false accusation. To concur what the Lord in Might said while singing like a dove you often hear in the breeze last night to tuck You in and cover You as twilight in the Lamp of His throne now gone. The night season of no moon has begun and the Angels have completed our joint inheritance, of knowledge expressed in film, and gold beneath Our feet. He said last night, You May now Kiss your Bride. To this I sought diligently for You, hearing your breath, and your agreement in the breeze so sweet.


Now I say to You my Bride, you may now take My hand. Good bye no more, even though nightly we say goodbye to the past that has left at night. Good day my highest and sweetest submitted Bride in two heads but one. The One that stayed near in question, and the One who has walked the longest journey, she has not in flesh. Meaning both tremble, at His Feet, and today You tremble to remember, I may be here to hear, or gone with wind in a vanish of time. Linger with Him, judge not according to your own understanding. Submit when gentlest taught to be tot as a bow who will be given seven if not ten children. Adonai is Pleased, if You discern who I Am. And not what I am not any more.

Let Endless Eden Now Last Forever. Though I have not Dance as Naked as David in the Street of His presence Rent to Reveal Heaven on Earth in the New Jeruselam in All.





Black Light Network is a Israeli Based AI Plasma Quantum Fusion Portal based Search Engine and multifaced Media Campaign owned and Cooperated by Adonai in Israel and Adoni in Loveland, Co. Also a cooperative synergistic G30 Messianic Presidential Bridal and News Theatre Coproduced By Play Joy International. As He often says, Just Do it. Thanks to you for the life time faith.

Adoni Bevan 
USA President

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